Testing & Inspecting
Fully Certified Testing & Inspecting Certification
Here at Orrell Electrics we can cover all of your testing & inspecting requirements, see below for all of the services we offer.
All electrical systems over time will deteriorate naturally as they are a working mechanism made up of various components and working systems, much like an MOT for cars it is important that you ensure you carry out checks on the condition of the electrics in your home or business at regular intervals.
This will help identify any faults or defects which could require improvement and will ensure the continued operation of the installation in a safe and effective manner.
There are two kinds of checks that can be carried out and we recommend that you always employ a registered electrician to carry out such checks.

Electrical Installation Condition Reports
An electrical installation condition report (EICR) identifies any damage, deterioration, defects and/or conditions which may give rise to danger along with observations for which improvement is recommended.
It is a detailed report and will involve the testing of various circuits which will require the turning off of the electrics at the main supply. This allows the contractor to identify any possible hidden defects or issues.
The purpose of an EICR (also known as periodic inspection and testing of an electrical installation), is to determine, so far as is reasonably practicable, whether the installation is in a satisfactory condition for continued service.It is generally recommended that an EICR is carried out every five years or when there is a change of occupancy in a dwelling. Typically an EICR will take around 3-4 hours to complete, depending on the size of a property and the number of circuits that require testing & inspecting, and the length of the circuits.

What Will An EICR Tell Me?
An EICR will provide a full summary of the condition of the electrics in your home and determine whether it complies with the current British Standard for electrical safety (BS 7671). Generally, an EICR will provide codings against the condition of the installation. The classification codes are as follows:
Code C1 – This code should indicates that danger exists, requiring immediate remedial action. The persons using the installation are at immediate risk.
Code C2 – This code indicates that, whilst an observed deficiency is not considered to be dangerous at the time of the inspection, it could become a real and immediate danger if a fault or other foreseeable event was to occur in the installation or connected equipment.
Code C3 – This code indicates that, whilst an observed deficiency is not considered to be a source of immediate or potential danger, improvement would contribute to a significant enhancement of the safety of the electrical installation.

Fire Alarm Testing & Inspecting
A full test of a fire alarm system should be carried out every 6 months. The test should be carried out by a competent person. The fire alarm test should be carried out in accordance with BS5839 part 1 section 6.
Once the test is completed your fire alarm engineer should make a record of the test in your log book and provide a fire alarm report.
It is now a duty for HMO Landlords to undertake a fire risk assesment for each property. This is under the regulatory reform (fire Safety) order 2005.
All Fire alarm systems must be installed and maintained in accordance with BS5839. The regulations also highlight when your fire test is required in order to ensure your maintenance program is upto date.

Emergency Lighting Testing & Inspecting
To test an emergency lighting system, a mains power failure on the normal lighting circuits or individual luminaries must be simulated. This will force the emergency lighting system to operate via the battery supply. This test can be carried out manually or automatically.
Regular servicing is essential. The occupier/owner of the premises shall appoint a competent person to supervise servicing of the system. This person shall be given sufficient authority to ensure the carrying out of any work necessary to maintain the system in correct operational mode.
Orrell Electrics are specialists in emergency lighting testing and inspections
Our Services
Our skilled electricians are qualified to carry out any electrical repair or installation within Liverpool